Southern  Africa - South Africa - Kwazulu Natal - North Coast
resort details
Umhlanga Sands Resort (A1293)

44 Lagoon Drive
Umhlanga Rocks

Phone number: +27 31 561 2323
GPS: 29° 43' 22.02'' S 31° 5' 12.96'' E
Gold Crown Resort
Not Available
Beach / Sea
City / Bright Lights
Not Available
Not Available
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Check-in days vary per resort. Check-in dates from 6 Sep 2024 to 6 Dec 2024
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  • Options in red are on promotion - “Available units” column displays the maximum number of units that can be booked
  • All possible booking options are displayed below – allowing you to book the holiday that best suits your needs
  • Using expiring points for a local booking: Travel dates must end on or before the date of expiry
  • Using expiring points for an international booking: Booking must be done before date of expiry. Travel dates must end within 24 calendar months following the date of expiry
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Resort Important Information

* Your exchange is strictly not transferrable for commercial gain and should you use your exchange for such purposes, your RCI membership will immediately be cancelled without any booking and membership fee refund. 
* The resort will be obliged to refuse admittance, if this confirmation letter is not produced or the person wishing to use the booking is not the member as stated on the letter, or is not in possession of a valid guest certificateThe resort will require Identification documents to validate that the person checking in is indeed the person indicated on the confirmation letter.
* 65 new undercover parking bays and new open rooftop bays available for resort patrons and guests. 
* Please be cautioned about walking around the streets and promenade in the evenings alone or venturing into the Hawaiian forest area. 
* Matric Weeks (week 47, 48, 49 and 50) – Only a person aged at least 21 years may sign the Guest Registration Card on check-in and must remain in occupation during the entire period. Failure to adhere to this condition can result in the remaining occupants, if aged less than 21 years, being requested to vacate the room. 
** Please note: The resort will not allow any change of guests occupying a unit in the middle of a full week or midweek booking, even if a guest certificate has been issued. No exceptions will be made.**
** Please note: No pets are permitted at any of the RCI Affiliated Resorts ** 
** Please note: Sleeper couches are only suitable for small children under the age of 12 years*
**Please note weeks 47 though to 49 will be affected by matric rage weeks.**

** Please note: The resort will be doing necessary maintenance work on the lobby ceiling between 7 October and the beginning of November 2024. Due to the work, there will be scaffolding in the lobby and portions will be cordoned off.  Work will also be done on the pavilion seating around the Volley Ball court and this expected to be completed by the 18th of October. All work is scheduled to take place between 9am and 4pm. Apologies for any high noise levels and inconvenience while work is taking place.** (Updated 23/08/2024)