Southern  Africa - South Africa - Mpumalanga
resort details
Mount Sheba - An Indigenous Forest Nature Reserve (E1149)

Robbers Pass
Pilgrims Rest

Phone number: +27 13 768 1241
GPS: 24° 56' 20.28'' S 30° 42' 48.00'' E
Gold Crown Resort
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Country Life / Mountains
Bush / Nature / Wildlife
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Check-in days vary per resort. Check-in dates from 6 Sep 2024 to 6 Dec 2024
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Resort Important Information

* Your exchange is strictly not transferrable for commercial gain and should you use your exchange for such purposes, your RCI membership will immediately be cancelled without any booking and membership fee refund.
* Resorts are required to check proof of Identity upon check in.
* Mount Sheba is an Indigenous Forest Nature Reserve and is highly recommended for avid nature lovers.
* The road to the resort is 10km, the first 7 km is a rough gravel road and the last 3 km is tarred. Not recommended for "low profile" cars. * Guest are advised to drive carefully to the resort as the municipal roads are in bad condition
* Please note that this resort is very quiet and children's facilities are limited.
* No cellular coverage for CellC and Vodacom (Limited coverage on MTN).
* A R50.00 non-refundable deposit is charged for the use of fishing rods. (Appears on the Fishing License)
* Late arrivals - please advise resort should you arrive after 18h00. * Resort is at high Altitude (1680m above sea level) and situated in an indigenous rainforest. Cold nights will be experienced in winter and chilly in summer.
** Please note: A R600 deposit will be charged for Security Remotes.**
** Please note: No pets are permitted at any of the RCI Affiliated Resorts **
** Please note: Sleeper couches are only suitable for small children under the age of 12 **
** Please note: Please adhere to the Smoking Regulations of the resort.**